Cookie Recipes

Pfeffernuesse recipe


3 cups of Flour, sifted.
1 teaspoon of Baking Powder.
¼ teaspoon of Salt.
½ teaspoon of Cinnamon.
¼ teaspoon of Allspice.
¼ teaspoon of Ground Cloves.
¼ teaspoon of Nutmeg.
¼ teaspoon of Mace.
3 medium Eggs, beaten lightly.
¾ cup of Sugar.
Juice and grated rind 1 Lemon.
2/3 cups of Chopped Nuts.


  1. Sift the flour with the baking powder, salt, and spices.

  2. Add the sugar slowly to beaten eggs and stir in lemon juice and grated rind.

  3. Add the dry ingredients and nuts to the egg mixture and mix well. Refrigerate 2 hours.

  4. Roll out the mixture to approximately 1/2 inch thick and cut using a 3/4 inch round. Place on an ungreased baking sheet.

  5. Let the cookies stand over night in cool place.

  6. Just before baking, put a drop of brandy on each cookie. Bake at 300 F oven for 1/2 hour.

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Published: January 24, 2007

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